Use Cases

Fundraising page creation
Allow your supporters to create fundraising pages - without leaving your website - when they register for an event.Show me how this works
The API allows event participants or supporters to register for the fundraising of an event on your website, as well as make a JustGiving fundraising page in just a few simple steps*.
For a charity website where the user creates a page to donate only to that charity.
For an event website where the charity is not fixed and can be selected by the user after creating a fundraising page.
This API allows your users to:

This API allows your users to:

This form is based on what information the charity needs about the fundraiser / user. (ie First Name, Last Name, Address, Email, Age, marketing consent etc.)
This step creates an account for the user using the AccountRegistration API. (this requires data such as FirstName, LastName, Address, Email, JustGiving Password, Opt Ins).
Account validation of an existing JustGiving user happens at this point with the ValidateAccount method.
You (the event organiser) can apply the CharitySearch API to help the fundraisers to select the charity they want their fundraising page to be associated with.
Page is created for the user with the RegisterFundraising API. At this point you (the charity) can apply content to the fundraising page on behalf of the registrants. (For e.g. PageTarget, PageStory, FundraisingSummary, etc,)
Once the page is created the fundraiser can be taken to JustGiving in a logged in state to continue with their page management.
*The depicted steps are purely illustrative examples of how a typical user journey may look. The responsibility for the various steps is that of the client, calling upon the JustGiving APIs at each appropriate step in the process.

Simple Donation Integration
The quickest way to integrate donation functionality into your own web. Perfect for non-technical users or developers looking for a simple way to interact with JustGiving’s donation process
Charity data
Search over 13,000 registered charities and retrieve data about the organisations using JustGiving.
Fundraising data
Showcase your latest fundraising efforts using page data in real time, or query donation data to discover more about supporter generosity.
User registration
Push supporters to create a JustGiving account so they can raise money on our platform for thousands of charities worldwide.